Astro-Coaching,  Energetic Synthesis

Imbolc and Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

The beginning of Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius coincides with the pagan celebration Imbolc. 

The light from the Sun is growing exponentially and also the higher energies are being embodying by each and every one of us.

With the beginning of February, nature is awakening from it’s deep sleep and it’s easier for us to be in a state of gratitude. Gratitude is a magical feeling that breeds empowerment and acknowledgment of the SELF.



Is a Celtic festival that honors the end of winter and is celebrated in the first two days of the month of February. Imbolc represents the middle point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In ancient times, folks were making fires in their households to anchor light and to banish darkness. They were meeting for festive meals sharing cookies and bread, as well as preserved vegetables over the winter time. People were praising mother nature and it’s wonderful gifts having a positive environment, just to attract more positivity for the whole year.

Goddess Brigid was celebrated at this festival. She was the daughter of Dagda and her name “the exalted one”. She is the Goddess of Fire and wreath as well as the poets, healers, childbirth. She is symbolizing the first impulse of the feminine energy and the beginning of the outdoor activities. Her colors are white(purity, innocence, protection), red(Sun, vitality, blood) and green(life and nature in it’s first stages). Brigid was always wearing a green cloak.

Brigid was worshiped by priestesses who were holding her sacred flame.

Imbolc symbolizes also the beginnings and the first feelings that are igniting LOVE.

It’s a time for energetic cleanse for ourselves, for our households and to get rid of the things that we don’t need anymore.


Romans were also celebrating Goddess Juno Februata, the Goddess of purity and fertility.


Mercury retrograde in Aquarius

This year, Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius( 30 jan-21 feb) joins this celebration and is inviting us to take ca break from all the external things that are happening into our lives. Aquarius is the sign of the collective and now we can take an inner look without being always pushed to see if we are aligning with the others.

Now we can be little rebels by being at peace with whatever is happening around us and find many moments of gratitude for ourselves and for mother Gaia.

With Mercury retrograde in this amazing sign, we can rise above past, present future and to see it from a holistic perspective. Now we can integrate the past with it’s anthropological traditions in order to explain the present.

If you are connected with your higher self, expect insights and AHA moments regarding social movements and stages of cultural evolution. They will have an explanatory role. The collective wants to heal and we can make a conscious choice to support this.

Mercury in retrograde is reminding us that now it’s time to focus on our inner being and to accept the blockages on our paths and initiatives because they always come with lessons.


Blessed be!



Photo by: Luthonium




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